"A colossal mass of derelict ships, asteroids and debris, known as a Space Hulk, has spilled from the Warp. It’s entered into a system where the Imperium is already beset by a Tyranid hive swarm - the immense Space Hulk is [...]
“WE ARE THE VANGUARD OF HONOUR. THE CUTTING EDGE OF THE BLOOD ANGELS. WE BRING DEATH.” The legendary Space Hulk returns to Windows PC, Mac and Linux in this epic turn based strategy game. Set in the Warhammer [...]
Based on the best-selling board game and set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Space Hulk is a 3D digital turn based strategy game that recreates the classic claustrophobic board game experience for single player and [...]
It's the 41st Millennium. For 20,000 years mankind has expanded forth throughout the galaxy aided by a phenomenal invention known as the Warp Drive, which allows huge spatial distances to be traversed in a matter of hours. [...]
Set in the isolated corridors and tomb-like chambers of ancient vessels lost in the graveyard of space, players lead a small force of fearless Space Marine Terminators in a ferocious fight for survival against hordes of [...]