The first game (story-wise) in the Madou Monogatari series, in which 6-year-old Arle Nadja must scale a dangerous tower. The Mega Drive remake was the last official Mega Drive game to be released in Japan.
The story depicts the action as taking place in the utopian world of Ihatovo. The game focuses on collecting information (notebooks from Miyazawa’s fairy tales) and items (that are related to those fairy tales) instead [...]
The final game in the Madou Monogatari series, featuring the classic characters most players are probably more familiar with from the “Puyo Puyo” series and featuring the Lovecraftian deity Yog Sothoth as the [...]
Madou Monogatari ARS, like Madou Monogatari 1-2-3, is a trio of first-person dungeon crawlers. Each chapter is devoted to a different playable character.
Arle no Bouken: Mahou no Jewel is a role playing game developed and published by Compile for the Game Boy Color; it was released on March 31, 2000. The game revolves around the collection of cards, each of which contains a [...]