“Ninja-Kid” is an action game that was released from the UPL in 1984. Players control Ninja-kun who puts a red hood on, and layers move the scaffold consisting of several stairs up, down, left or right, and [...]
Before the SNES adaptation, Nichibitsu had actually licensed the Heiankyo Alien game in order to create its Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen series. Although it features hole digging/enemy trapping mechanic, it’s hardly the [...]
An action platformer for the Arcades produced by UPL. It was later ported to the Famicom by Jaleco. It’s known as Ninja-kun in Japan, and is the first of the Ninja-kun series.
‘Scramble’ is a shooting game that was released in 1981. Players control a space fighter with a limited fuel supply as they battle enemies and try to destroy the enemy base. KONAMI has produced many masterful [...]
“NOVA2001” is a shooting game that was released from the UPL in 1983. Players control a fighter which can shoots in all directions. And, its main purpose is to continue to defeat a variety of enemies that appear [...]
Single players compete against a computer opponent while two players fight each other in this Karate game. Players each use two joysticks which allow for a variety of different moves. The best two matches, out of three, wins.
‘Karate Champ’ is an action game that was released from Data East in 1984. Players train a variety of karate skills with a combination of stick operations, to be a champion of competitions. At the time, a bonus [...]
The player controls an aircraft, referred to in the game as a “Jet,” and has to guide it across a scrolling terrain, battling obstacles along the way. The ship is armed with a forward-firing weapon and bombs; each [...]