The peaceful world of the LocoRoco is under attack by the not-so-nice Moja Corps! These evil outer space creatures have come to take the LocoRoco from their land of blowing flowers, lively creatures and pastel scenery. You [...]
LocoRoco Cocoreccho! (or Oideyo LocoRoco!! BuuBuu Cocoreccho! (おいでよロコロコ!! BuuBuu Cocoreccho!?), in Japan, meaning “LocoRoco Come On Over(!)! BuuBuu Cocoreccho!”) is a video game in the LocoRoco series released on [...]
The peaceful world of the LocoRoco are under attack by the not-so-nice Moja Corps! These evil outer space creatures have come to take the LocoRoco from their land of blowing flowers, lively creatures and pastel scenery. As [...]
The LocoRoco are in danger again, the evil Moja have returned and this time they’ve brought with them a terrible song that sucks the life out of living things! The LocoRoco must once again save their planet – this [...]