15 years after the events of the original Alien film, Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, learns from Christopher Samuels, an android working for the Weyland-Yutani corporation, that the flight recorder of her mother's [...]
In the role of Lieutenant Ellen Ripley, the player experiences a story loosely derived from the first three films of the Alien franchise. Aside from occasional CGI cut scenes, the plot is told through text-based mission [...]
Using cabinet mounted guns you and another player blast away the Aliens in an attempt to save the prison planet. You are also given a limited number of grenades to use when the going gets tough. The gameplay is very close to [...]
Six separate game sequences create the movie experience! The unsuspecting colonial marines receive a briefing on the enemy to be faced. Guide your ship through a rough flight to LV-426. Hold off the hordes as your squad cuts [...]
Aliens: Alien 2 is an arcade platformer (or run’n’gun if you like) featuring Ripley on a planet infested with aliens. Armed with only a basic gun at first, she faces facehuggers that come out of alien eggs. After [...]
Loosely based off of the movie franchise, the main character Ripley arrives at Fiorina "Fury" 161, and she finds the planet is infested by Xenomorph Runnera. She is equipped with Colonial Marine equipment to defend herself [...]
Players take on the role of Lt. Col. Henry Hericksen, an ex-Colonial Marine aboard the USS Sheridan who is now the commander of a three-man terraforming team. Your objective is to travel to the remote outpost on B54C in order [...]
17 weeks after the events of Aliens, a full battalion of Colonial Marines travels to LV-426 aboard the USS Sephora in response to a distress call sent by Corporal Dwayne Hicks. Upon arrival, the Sephora docks with the USS [...]
A long way to victory lies ahead of you. Don’t forget about the obstacles which will try to stop you from succeeding. Jump, run, crouch, and move between three layers to stay up!
Prepare for horror and fright beyond your wildest nightmares, as you step into the world of ALIENS: Thanatos Encounter. The terrifying creatures made famous by the popular ALIENS movies come to Game Boy Color in a totally new [...]
Aliens: The Roguelike ## Description Aliens: The Roguelike is a tactical roguelike, inspired by the classic Aliens movie and the Alien Breed: Tower Assault computer game. The story is simple and traditional: in the year 2209, [...]