In 1999, an alien ship crashes on South Atalia Island and makes the human race aware of other life in space. Ten years later, the ship is reconstructed and christened as the SDF-1 Macross. However, on the day of its maiden [...]
Macross Plus is a vertical-scrolling shooting arcade game released only in Japan on the CPS-2 arcade system board. Loosely based on the Macross Plus franchise, it was developed and published by Banpresto (video games [...]
Galaxy is a Galaga variant that builds on the ideas explored in the Commodore PET game Galaga, an earlier unlicensed take on the coin-up game by Henrik Wening. Players move a space ship left and right to fire at a group of [...]
Triangle Frontier is the third game in the Macross Frontier-based series of action games. This game features Academy Mode, which allows the player to create a pilot and build their stats.