Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, released in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban 4, is the fourth video game in the Ace Attorney series. Apollo Justice is the first game in the series that does not feature Phoenix Wright as the main [...]
Gyakuten Kenji 2 (逆転検事 2 Gyakuten Kenji 2, lit. “Turnabout Prosecutor 2″”), also referred to as “Ace Attorney Investigations 2” by Capcom staff, is the sequel to “Gyakuten [...]
Defend the innocent and save the day! Courtroom hero Phoenix Wright lays down the law this Winter in the digital release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Experience the original trilogy like never before in clear, [...]
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations (known as Gyakuten Saiaban 3 in Japan) is the third game in the Ace Attorney series. Players take on the role of Phoenix Wright, a defense attorney known for taking [...]
Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney is the the first non-canon, “what-if” short story scenarios in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. After a Defiant Dragons rebel holds the courtroom hostage, Phoenix [...]
The second game in the popular court room battle series from Japan introduces four new cases featuring new characters, plot twists and gameplay features. Players resume the role of Phoenix Wright, a defence attorney who must [...]
Special Episode: Turnabout Reclaimed is an extra downloadable episode of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, set between The Monstrous Turnabout and Turnabout Academy. It follows Phoenix Wright’s first case [...]
Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney is the second non-canon, “what-if” short story scenarios in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. Apollo Justice and Klavier Gavin accompany Princess Rayfa Padma [...]
The first case of the game presents defense attorney Phoenix Wright at his first trial under Mia Fey's watchful eye, successfully defending his childhood friend Larry Butz for murder. However, in the game's second case, Mia [...]
Gyakuten Kenji 2, also referred to as Ace Attorney Investigations 2 by Capcom staff, is the sequel to Gyakuten Kenji (known as Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth in English) and the sixth game in the Ace Attorney [...]
Dual Destinies takes place roughly a year after the events of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. The legal system has entered a dark era, filled with false charges and fabricated evidence. The Wright Anything Agency, run by [...]
Special Episode: Turnabout Time Traveler is an extra downloadable episode of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice, set after the events of the main game. This episode brings together major characters from [...]