Street Fighter Alpha 2, known as Street Fighter Zero 2 in Japan, Asia and South America, is a 1996 fighting game originally released for the CPS II arcade hardware by Capcom. The game is both a sequel and a remake to the [...]
The original Street Fighter Alpha, as well as Alpha 2, Alpha 3 and Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix are ported from their original arcade releases, while Alpha 2 Gold is a remixed version that combines elements from the previous [...]
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper ## Description _Street Fighter Alpha 3_ , the third game in the Alpha series, has a total of 31 fighters, the most in the series so far. New characters include old favorites E. Honda, Blanka, [...]
Street Fighter Alpha 3, the third game in the Alpha series, has a total of 31 fighters, the most in the series so far. New characters include old favorites E. Honda, Blanka, Vega, Cammy, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, Juni and Juli. Some [...]
It’s Street Fighter as you always remember it, with some new moves, characters and combo systems, as well as a more polished look and feel. The new moves available for each fighter, called Super moves, allow them to [...]