The good, the rad, the airborne! Get into double trouble! The twisted adventure. The ultimate ramp. Newspaper headlines scream: “Punk flattens Mayor’s poodle… Ramp demolished… Local skateboarding [...]
Hop on your suped-up board and cruise into the wildest multi-event contest ever dreamed of by man or beast. Three of these twisted trials are cut from the concrete courses of pro competitions. Each pits you head to head with [...]
Ski or Die is a 1990 winter sports game by Electronic Arts for the Amiga, NES, MS-DOS and Commodore 64. It consisted of 5 minigames which could be played individually or in a set sequentially. Up to 6 players could compete [...]
Skate or Die ## Description _Skate or Die_ incorporates five distinct styles of skating, which can be attempted individually or in turn. You skate around a menu room to choose which one to attempt. Before taking off you can [...]