The Seiddab Trilogy is a series of video games designed by Steve Turner (as Graftgold) for the ZX Spectrum and published by Hewson Consultants. It consists of 3D Space-Wars (1983),[1] 3D Seiddab Attack (1984)[2] and 3D [...]
Astroclone was published in 1984 by Hewson Consultants. Its working title was Seiclone, but was changed to avoid confusion with Vortex Software’s similar-sounding Cyclone.[11] The game combines shoot ’em up [...]
3D Lunattack ## Description The war on the Seiddab rages on, and you now take part in an attack on their moon base. You fly a hovercraft a bit above the moon’s surface, and must shoot down the enemy’s DAB tanks. [...]