Dragon Slayer is an action RPG designed by Yoshio Kiya and developed by Nihon Falcom. It was first released for the NEC PC-88 in 1984, and was then published by Square for the NEC PC-98 and MSX computers. It became a success [...]
Lord Monarch (ロードモナーク?)[7] is a real-time strategy war game by Nihon Falcom. The game is considered to be the seventh installment in the Dragon Slayer series. It was originally released in 1991 for the NEC PC-9801, ported [...]
The game begins with the player directly in control of the protagonist, with little to no introduction. To progress, one must speak with the king, who gives the player the bare essentials and a small amount of cash to train. [...]
This game exists in two editions, one for the MSX1 and one for the MSX2 with better graphics. In Romancia: Dragon Slayer Jr., you are a young warrior whom the king sends on a mission to rescue a lost princess. You must leave [...]