The plot of the game centers around a megalomaniac named Kreel who has become a global threat and is threatening various nations with his seemingly unstoppable armies. Players take the role of two pilots named 'Hatch' and [...]
Based on the original PlayStation game of the same name, Warhawk for the PlayStation 3 opts for team-based multiplayer action on the ground and in the air instead of single-player flight combat.
Warhawk is an action/simulation game built around a futuristic VTOL craft. The player maneuvers with 360 degrees of flight control through 6 unique levels. Take to the skies over desert and volcanic planets, through ancient [...]
Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn ## Description ### PlayStation Store Description The war rages on as the Eucadians and Chernovans fight to control the high- tech facilities of a critical new battlefield – the Omega [...]
Warhawk: Operation Fallen Star ## Description ### PlayStation Store Description Download this Operation: Fallen Star pack for Warhawk™ to wage war on the Tau Crater battlefield and strap on the new Icarus MK.1 rocket [...]
In the far reaches of space, factions of humanity battle over a rare and dangerous resource known as Rift Energy. Colonies of humans called Rifters have been exploring the “Frontier” of planets, but find their way [...]