Based on the popular anime series of the same name Saint Seiya: Chapter Sanctuary brings the legendary conflict between the Knights of Athena and the Knights of Ares home to the PlayStation 2. Battling over the Golden Cloth [...]
The 12 Gold Saints are coming back to burn their cosmos with outstanding graphics, solid gameplay, characters from the whole series… and so much more to discover!
Players will realize their dreams of battling the most vile and evil characters from Saint Seiya in one-on-one bouts that take place through the storylines from the anime series. The game will present enhanced graphics and [...]
Saint Seiya Online is a free to play MMORPG from China-based Perfect World, the publisher of Forsaken World, RaiderZ, and Rise of Europe. Based on the Japanese manga series of Saint Seiya and its anime TV series, Saint Seiya [...]
Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu Kanketsu Hen is an RPG based around the anime and manga series known as Saint Seiya. It was developed and published by Bandai in 1988 for the Famicom. It is the sequel to the first Famicom Saint [...]
Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle immerses players in the most popular drama from Saint Seiya: the Sanctuary, as Seiya and his companions fight side by side to defeat the gold saints of the twelve palaces and protect Athena. As [...]
Saint Seiya: Ougon Densetsu is an RPG based around the anime and manga series known as Saint Seiya. It was developed and published by Bandai in 1987 for the Famicom. The story of the game draws heavily from the first story [...]