Akira lives in Digital City, a town located in fictional "Directory Continent", a land where digimon used to live peacefully. However, wild Digimon began attacking Akira's hometown, and Akira joins a guard team that is [...]
Digimon World: Next Order is an upcoming Digimon role-playing game. The game’s story centers around two potential main characters: Japanese third-year high school students Takuto and Shiki.
The plot begins when a small group of children are playing their Digimon Virtual Pet device. The protagonist, a young boy, arrives and excitingly observes a fight between MetalGreymon and MetalMamemon in the Virtual Pet [...]
Digimon World 3 is a role-playing video game created by Bandai for the PlayStation. You play as a child called Junior who enters an online virtual reality MMORPG called “Digimon Online”, which is run by the [...]
The Yamato Server disappears after the X-Virus attacks, and the Doom Server has taken it's place. It's up to the you and up to 3 of your friends, the Digital Security Guard (D.S.G.) to venture into the Doom Server, discover [...]
In the game, the player follows and controls “Taiga”, a 16-year-old male protagonist who is transported to the digital world of Digimon, which in his universe is merely an online game. In the universe of Digimon, [...]