Homeworld: Emergence was originally released as “Homeworld: Cataclysm”. “Cataclysm” is now a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., and the game has been renamed to avoid confusion. [...]
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak – Deluxe Edition This companion application to Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak features detailed backstory and lore to the Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Operation Khadiim, the expedition to the [...]
Homeworld Remastered Collection updates and introduces the landmark space strategy games to modern audiences. The collection includes Homeworld and Homeworld 2, painstakingly remastered by Gearbox in cooperation with key [...]
Before you can find your Homeworld, you must first unlock the secrets of the desert. Blackbird Interactive and Gearbox Software invite you to visit the deserts of Kharak in this new Homeworld story, where danger lurks behind [...]
Homeworld is a 3D real-time strategy game set in space and focusing on the conflict between the Kushan, who are attempting to locate their long-lost homeworld, and the Taiidan Empire which is trying to destroy them. Homeworld [...]
Homeworld 2 is the third game in the Homeworld series. Although well-received and praised for its lavish graphics, Homeworld 2 did not receive the same level of acclaim as Homeworld 1 or Cataclysm. Patches and an active [...]