A comical spin-off of The Incredible Machine series in which puzzles must be solved by using a limited number of objects working in unison to fulfill an objective.
The Incredible Machine is a puzzle game. You have to solve different puzzles by building the incredible machine. You have predefined quantity of given building blocks and you have to build the machine to finish a simple goal. [...]
This game involves puzzle solving, while creating wacky machines. Each level of the game contains a machine designed to do a specific task. The only problem is, there are parts missing, and it is your job to figure out where [...]
The Even More Incredible Machine Do you remember watching with amazement when those cartoon heroes constructed machines to catch someone or start something? Those very complicated Rube Goldberg-like ones with knives, [...]
Return of The Incredible Machine allows players to use unique, sometimes humorous mechanical components to construct fantastic machines that accomplish unusual tasks. Each puzzle contains a partially built machine and the [...]