Chessmaster 3D ## Description _Chessmaster 3-D_ brings the Chessmaster 4000 chess engine to consoles. The game provides six 3D chess sets and lets you control the camera to view the board from almost any angle. A 2D [...]
The Chessmaster 2000… the most powerful computer chess program in the world today- and the friendliest! It draws from a mammoth opening library of over 71,000 moves- the world’s largest. In mid-game, it displays amazing [...]
Chessmaster 4000 Chessmaster 4000 Turbo is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Software Toolworks and published by Mindscape, which was released in 1994. Franchise: Chessmaster Difficulty of this game: Just Right
Chessmaster is a chess-playing computer game series which is now owned and developed by Ubisoft. It is the best-selling chess franchise in history, with more than five million units sold as of 2002. (from [...]
Chess is one of the oldest board games on Earth; even the Egyptians played an early form of it. Now, chess comes to the PlayStation with THE CHESSMASTER II. Choose from 24 animated chess sets, including Mycenae, Egyptian, [...]
Based on the popular computer chess program, The Chessmaster 3-D for the PlayStation allows players to challenge a friend or one of 12 virtual chess opponents. Each computer-controlled opponent is rated according to ability. [...]
Chessmaster 7000 ## Description Prepare youreself to experience computer chess in an entirely new way. As always, those who don’t stand to oppose the computer AI can always play more or less introductory chess in [...]