PROLOGUE The story begins with a peaceful day in Gensokyo, when suddenly an abundance of divine spirits show up. The four heroines, Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, Sanae Kochiya and Youmu Konpaku are finding this unusual. Depending on who you choose, one [...]
During a peaceful summer in Gensokyo, an unnatural scarlet mist appears without warning and covers much of the land. It is strong enough to block out the sun, causing the affected areas to become dark and cold. Reimu Hakurei, a shrine maiden working at [...]
Autumn has come to Gensokyo, and to its only shrine, the Hakurei Shrine, a common meeting place for its youkai that was seldom visited by its humans. As a result, faith in the Hakurei Shrine's deity began to fall like the leaves from the trees. [...]
While enjoying a quiet morning walk, the local shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei stumbles across some curious ruins a short distance from the Hakurei Shrine's gateway. As only one person is allowed into the ruins - and will be well-rewarded for doing so - seven [...]
In Gensokyo, people relax and bask in the calm of a winter without end. Spring has shown no sign of arriving even though it's already May, and in fact the snowstorms are continually getting worse. Reimu Hakurei, a shrine maiden of the Hakurei [...]