"Earth is now overrun by the Seven Deadly Sins and the mystical creatures and degenerated beings that serve them. The Charred Council calls upon Fury to battle from the heights of heaven down through the depths of hell in a quest to restore humanity and [...]
One-Eye Kutkh – an exciting space adventure based on the fairy tales of the Far North. A single traveler on his way home crashes on a mysterious planet. To continue his journey, he’ll have to get to the ninth heaven, deceive the Sun and the [...]
"A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. The Tribes stand divided, in need of someone strong enough to unite them or bring them all down…"
AWAY: Journey to the Unexpected is a colorful first person adventure game that combines action, negotiation and rogue-lite elements Progress through the levels and the story, choose your path, but above all, recruit allies. All the strange characters you [...]
Morphite is a stylized FPS sci fi adventure game, inspired by the classics. Research plants and animals, battle hostile entities, and unravel a mystery surrounding a rare material called Morphite. Morphite is a stylized FPS sci fi adventure game, inspired [...]
The game will use an open world and have a reworked combat system. It will have all 83 characters from Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires and some new characters including Zhou Cang playable in Musou Stars. The original Japanese numbered titles in the series are [...]
How Far Will You Go to Survive? Imagine the lights go out, never to return. Bright aurora flare across the sky, and all humanity’s technological might is laid to waste, neutralized in a kind of quiet apocalypse. Everything that has shielded humanity from [...]
Brawlout is the competitive platform fighter, designed for couch play, online ranked matches and competitive tournaments. Brawlout is the competitive platform fighter, designed for couch play, online ranked matches and competitive tournaments. Brawlout [...]