Three years after the events at Beacon Mental Hospital, Sebastian Castellanos has left the Krimson City Police Department and continues to be haunted by his experiences at Beacon, the disappearance of his wife Myra, and the death of his daughter Lily in a [...]
Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part standalone story adventure set three years before the events of the first game. This time play as Chloe Price, a rebel who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber in dramatic new story in the [...]
A Way Out is a couch or online co-op only game where you play the role of one of two prisoners in a daring escape over and beyond the prison walls. What begins as a thrilling escape quickly turns into an emotional adventure unlike anything seen & [...]
The game is set in the fictional Hope County, Montana, where a preacher named Joseph Seed has risen to prominence in the region. Seed believes that he has been chosen to protect the people of Hope County from an "inevitable collapse" and has established a [...]
Welcome back to Paradise City! Make action your middle name as you rule the streets in Burnout Paradise™ Remastered. Tear up the town from hectic downtown avenues to wild mountain roads. Relive the high-octane stunts and wanton destruction of one [...]
Thumper is a rhythm violence game. It combines classic rhythm-action with breakneck speed and brutal physicality. Thumper strips rhythm gaming down to its core. Classic rhythm-action is combined with breakneck speed and brutal physicality. With one analog [...]
Survive takes place during an alternate timeline immediately following the conclusion of Ground Zeroes, with Big Boss leaving behind a destroyed Mother Base — as well as a group of soldiers who are now stranded in the remains.
A wormhole opens up and [...]