A action maze-game based on the coin-op Anteater in which the player controls the tongue of Ardy the aardvark through an underground maze trying to eat drops of food and to evade worms, stinging ants and spiders.
Worms combines the best elements from the very best games ever created. It requires great thought, strategy and elements of sheer outrageous fortune. It provides the players with an almost infinite range of playing possibilities. It does take a little [...]
Guild of Dungeoneering is a turn-based dungeon crawler with a twist: instead of controlling the hero you build the dungeon around him. Using cards drawn from your Guild decks you lay down rooms, monsters, traps and of course loot! Guild of Dungeoneering [...]
The single player campaign features 25 missions across 5 enviroments: Inca, Prehistoric, Viking, Feudal Japan and Industrial Revolution. It focuses on a character named Tara Pinkleton who serves as the game's narrator, as well as providing missions for [...]
The Worms series continues with Worms 4: Mayhem. You can engage in the turn-based combat that the series has become known for across predesigned or random 3D maps. Worms 4: Mayhem delivers new weapons as well as more customization options, allowing you to [...]
Worms Forts: Under Siege is a turn based strategy game by Team 17 which worms must destroy the enemy team or their stronghold Worms Forts: Under Siege is a turn based strategy game by Team 17 which worms must destroy the enemy team or their stronghold [...]
Worms 2 : Armageddon sur Xbox Live Arcade marque le retour des lombrics. Le principe reste le même : plusieurs équipes de vers de terre débiles s’affrontent sur des arènes à l’aide d’armes ridiculement mortelles. Prenez en compte le sens [...]