Fuck Typing is a typing game in which one player battles the CPU to see who can restate a sentence of gratuitous invective first. For each completed phrase, health is subtracted from the life bar of the opponent.
The New York Times Crosswords makes a perfect pairing: The intellectual challenge of the New York Times crossword puzzles and the stylus control of the Nintendo DS. Write your answers into each puzzle with the stylus or use a Touch Screen keyboard to [...]
Word Connect ## Description Word Connect is a simple Scrabble-like game in which up to four players (human or computer) take turns placing letters on a board, trying to form the highest scoring interlocking word possible. The game comes with seven [...]
Jumble: That Scrambled Word Game ## Description Hundreds of those “Jumble” scrambled word puzzles that appear in daily newspapers (the ones with four scrambled words, and a clever phrase that goes with the picture). Includes a few variations [...]
If the wheel lands on any given amount, say $1000, and if you guess the correct consonant in any given puzzle in rounds 1-3, you win the $1000. Furthermore, if there is more than one consonant in the puzzle, your $1000 will be multiplied (e.g. four [...]