For the first time, create a witch or wizard character in your likeness that will become part of the gameplay through Kinect’s scanning technology. Experience unforgettable moments from all eight films – from having your wand choose you at [...]
“It’s up to you to defeat the Empire. It’s been nearly a quarter of a century since the Zetegenian Empire first conquered the Kingdoms of Zenobia with a wrath of fear and bloodshed. You are the leader of a band of rebels who’ve fought to preserve [...]
A sequel to Betrayal at Krondor, Return to Krondor’s third-person perspective and linearity in both story and gameplay were somewhat of a departure. The game’s story was later novelized by Feist as Krondor: Tear of the Gods.
The pseudo-sequel to Darkmere, Dragonstone has a look and feel influenced by Zelda games. Agon is the villain whose hordes you must destroy. The game is split across 7 multi-directional levels, taking in forests and caves in a fantasy setting. You are [...]