Seymour's second adventure was based around a western he was shooting, and featured him attempting to track down a villain who was attempting to sabotage the movie. The game was divided into four sections, as Seymour visited various American locations in [...]
When a hostage crisis erupts in the centre of Clappers Wreake, only one man has the diplomatic finesse to defuse a simmering situation before it boils over into a stew of butchery and bloodshed: Detective Inspector Hector. He’s all they’ve got. Literally. [...]
Purble Place é, na verdade, um conjunto de três jogos de computador em um: Comfy Cakes, Purble Pairs e Purble Shop. Os jogos são desenvolvidos por jogos de Oberon e incluídos com cada edição do Microsoft Windows Vista e Win 7 edição. Estes três jogos [...]
A Japanese exclusive update to Elevator Action. Elevator Action Old & New is an action game developed by Taito and published by MediaKite for Game Boy Advance. Elevator Action Old & New contains the original version of Elevator Action as well as [...]