Nocturne is a survival horror adventure video game set in the late 1920s and early 1930s – the Prohibition and Great Depression era. The player takes the part of The Stranger an operative of a fictional American Government secret organization known as [...]
Mike LeRoi — the embittered protagonist of the original Shadow Man title, is tasked yet again with saving Liveside and the parallel world of Deadside. In this third-person action-adventure, a cult of demons known only as the Grigori (and who, [...]
Select from a variety of buccaneer hairstyles at The Barbery Coast. Enjoy a warm reunion with an old flame. Piracy never looked so good! Learn a valuable trade in lighthouse and VCR repair. Loot, sack and pillage this quaint Caribbean hamlet. Third in the [...]
No Pain, No Gain! Vince was just a voodoo doll in a French Quarter shop, but when his maker was kidnapped, he became a vengeful doll on a mission! Using voodoo powers, Vince must kick his own butt to beat his enemies! If he stand under a falling safe, bad [...]
Set several years after the end of Risen, raging titans have devastated the world and pushed humanity to the brink of existence. Subsequently, monstrous creatures have risen from the watery depths of the sea and their attacks have brought all seafaring to [...]
Experience one of adventure gaming’s most stunning masterpieces all over again in this blockbuster retelling of the award-winning 1993 murder-mystery, which adds all-new puzzles, scenes, and HD graphics! Blending the best of yesterday and today, it [...]
Step into the boots of the vicious pirate Christopher Raven and get revenge on the men who killed your family and took your hand. Explore the Caribbean on land and sea, slaying your enemies with a combination of blades, bullets and cannon-fire. Vendetta’s [...]