The game centres on the voodoo priest and warrior Akuji (voiced by Richard Roundtree), who had his heart ripped out on his wedding day, and through the use of voodoo magic is now cursed to wander the Underworld. However, Kaisha, his would-be bride, finds [...]
Only one thing can make a thieving raccoon better at his job, and that's the long-lost Thievious Racoonus, a collected work of thieving knowledge. Split into ten pieces, the writings are spread across the world, and it's up to one young raccoon, Sly [...]
You are Chauncey, a serving lad who saves his monarch from choking on his meal. The King rewards you with his magical sword, Grimthwacker, and a village, and the mission to go forth and prosper by felling waves of Hordlings, who are bent on eating [...]
It be the golden age of pirates! Dogs of the sea! Quite literally. Our swashbuckling sausage-dog star is Gaius James Rover, son of the famous clown Jolly Rover, who died from a blow to the groin from an improperly loaded joke cannon. Following the [...]
Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM is a music-based point-and-click adventure game. The player wanders around the Voodoo Lounge to solve mysteries and even meets the Rolling Stones in mysterious circumstances. The game [...]
From various time periods of past, present and future, nine fighters killed in an unjust manner find themselves given a second chance for life. An alien being, known only as the Eternal Champion, brings back the fighters into a competition for one reason: [...]
Jungle Hunt is side-scrolling arcade game produced and released by Taito in 1982. It was initially released as Jungle King. Jungle Hunt is one of the first video games to use parallax scrolling. The player controls an unnamed jungle explorer sporting a [...]
Gobliiins is an adventure game where the player controls a team of three goblins: Oups, Ignatius and Asgard (Hooter, Dwayne, and BoBo in the US release) to find four magic components. A voodoo doll has turned their king Angoulafre mad and by collecting [...]