Twenty-two years after making his groundbreaking debut on the Atari 2600, Activision’s Pitfall Harry returns for more jungle-exploring action. The intrepid adventurer is brought to life for more than 50 perilous levels set in such exotic South [...]
The Catacomb series, which includes Curse of the Catacombs and Terror of the Catacombs, is a set of first-person shooters that are notable for being developed from the original Catacomb which was designed by John Cormack, of Doom, Commander Keen and [...]
Drawn to Life is an action-adventure platform video game for the Nintendo DS developed by 5th Cell and published by THQ in 2007.[4] It was later published by Agatsuma Entertainment in Japan in 2008 under the name Drawn to Life: God’s Marionette [...]
Super 3D Noah’s Ark is an unlicensed Christian-themed video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and DOS. It was released by the biblical video game producer Wisdom Tree in 1994, and was the only commercially released SNES game in the [...]
Shrek: Super Party is a party video game released in 2002 by Mass Media. The game is based on the Shrek movie series. This game is also similar to Pac-Man Fever (which has the same developer) and the Mario Party series of games. The characters Shrek, [...]