Player move Postman Pat through the village of Greendale delivering mail. On his route, Pat meets most known locales and characters from the TV series and faces plenty of obstacles and adventures making delivery more difficult and the gameplay more [...]
Blast Corps is a 1997 video game for the Nintendo 64 developed by Rare and published by Nintendo. Destroy a series of buildings or objects using a variety of unique demolition vehicles, in order to mainly clear a path for trucks carrying defective nuclear [...]
Blast the rocks and drill tunnels beneath cities. At the beginning you have enough time and no major problems. Once the TNT charges are placed you can start the blasting to create the tunnel entrance. The excavated material will be loaded by a shovel [...]
Wirehead has the player controlling Ned Hubbard, a man with a wireless controller implanted in his brain, via the joypad. The bad guys are chasing after Ned for his “mind implant”, and of course, the only way to get it is to open his head. [...]
The bad boys who made Rash are back to trash in Skitchin’. Grab your skates, steal a ride on a car bumper and yer off! Skatin’ & Hitchin’ – Skitchin’. It’s Bitchin’!