After a deadly circus fire shatters his world and tarnishes his name, Dropsy the Clown finds himself on a journey of self-discovery through a story that harnesses powerful themes of love and kindness. With his father gravely ill and the world turning its [...]
You are trapped in the castle of a Transylvanian count and only have three days and nights to defeat the count. In order to do so you have to solve puzzles, find secret passageways and most importantly have to be careful not to fall prey to the creatures [...]
Evil Dead: Regeneration takes over where the film Evil Dead 2 left off. You can play as Ash, who has been committed to an insane asylum where a mad scientist is doing experiments with the Necronomican. With the help of some firepower and your new [...]
A rock-solid combination of rock-rolling action, deep strategy, and captivating art and music from different ages of history, this is a game of crush or be crushed! Two castles stand opposed; one is yours, the other is your enemy’s. They’re a jerk [...]
DARK is a unique stealth-action game with RPG elements in which you take on the role of the ultimate hunter: a vampire. Ambush your enemies from the shadows, roam the darkness and use powerful vampire skills to dispatch your opponents. The intricate story [...]
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection includes Castlevania: Lords of Shadow with codes in box for both its DLC and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate HD. It also has a demo for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
Boktai 2 continues the adventures of Django the Solar Boy as he sets out to rid the world of evil vampires and demons. The second installment in the franchise brings back the solar sensor technology, which incorporates natural sunlight into gameplay. Take [...]