"Growing up as a second class citizen on a back-water planet, Yuri dreamed of being able to travel the stars. After many years he saved up enough credits to buy transport off the planet, but space travel is forbidden to second class citizens, and he is [...]
Hold it right there. Are you really ready for this one? Have you got the courage to load up the experience that makes all other games you’ve played seem prehistoric? Because Blood Money is simply the best arcade game you’ve ever seen. It has [...]
Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative is a space combat MMO in which players pilot spacecraft. Players accumulate wealth through mining, trade, and combat. Funds are used to purchase upgrades for their craft. The game divides space into sectors [...]
4 Wheel Thunder is a racing game developed by Kalisto Entertainment and published by Midway Games. While the game had been in development for some time prior as a separate title, it was eventually decided to rebrand the game into Midway’s Thunder series.
X-Out is a horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up with eight levels and an underwater setting. Between levels, the player visits a shop and use their game score to purchase new submarines and equipment. The submarines come in four different variants, and [...]
Some cars should stay on the pavement, while others are designed to go where no other vehicle has gone before. Those are the vehicles included in TEST DRIVE OFF ROAD. You can choose from four different vehicles: a Hummer, Land Rover Defender 90, Jeep [...]
Ground Control is set in the 25th century. Mankind emerged from the devastation of the Third World War (known in the game as “The Sixteen-minutes War”, which almost wiped out the whole of humanity) and managed to colonize several planets [...]
MechCommander is the second real-time tactics (RTT) video game based on FASA’s BattleTech/MechWarrior franchise (though often being called a real-time strategy game), developed by FASA Interactive and distributed by MicroProse. MechCommander was [...]