An adventure game created by Yuji Horii and published by Enix in 1983. Revolving around a murder mystery, the game set the template for the visual novel genre. It was also the first open-world adventure game, and the first immersive sim.
Take on lightning-fast challenges based on some of the most popular games of all time in the new NES™ Remix game. Whether you grew up with games like The Legend of Zelda™ and Super Mario Bros.™, or you’re playing them for the [...]
Get ready for a new kind of Onimusha, where every move is a struggle for power. In Onimusha Tactics, you’ll join Onimaru, a young Ogre clan warrior on a quest to defeat Nobunaga and his Genma armies. You must call upon your demon powers and sword [...]
Hit the links in the Mushroom Kingdom! Mario, Peach, Yoshi, Donkey Kong and others have tee times reserved in the Mushroom Kingdom! Challenge them to tournaments, or take them on in character matches to collect rings or nab coins! Play on resort-style [...]
The superstars of the Mushroom Kingdom have gathered on the diamond to power up America’s game! Pick a captain, fill your team with your favorite characters from the Mario universe, then hit the field. Each captain has a special Star Skill for [...]