Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy ## Description The Enterprise came under sudden attack, sustaining major damage to virtually all decks. Leaking coolants contaminated the entire stock of raw protein substance, the base material of all the galley’s [...]
In this short expansion pack you can explore U.S.S Voyager, launch a shuttle, run a Captain Proton holodeck program and much more. This is very much the Star Trek geeks expansion pack.
The player takes the role of human Cadet David Forester, leader of a cadet group at Starfleet's San Francisco–based Command College. The player has to pass all the simulated missions, optionally including the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario. The [...]
Star Trek: Klingon Academy is a space flight simulator in the vein of Starfleet Academy. However the player controls Klingon spaceships rather than those of the Federation.
Star Trek: Starship Creator Warp II ## Description Create your own Federation Starship, outfit them with the latest Starfleet technology, crew them (even create your own crew members), then send them out on different missions! This sequel to Starship [...]