Just like a true ninja, in Naruto: Ninja Council (aka Ninja Council 3 in the USA), players will have to protect, defend or defeat as they train hard to perfect their skills in order to progress through the ranks in over 40 missions. Players can activate [...]
In Yoshi's Safari, Bowser, King of the Koopas, and his evil offspring have invaded Jewelry Land. The Koopalings have seized the Kingdom's precious jewels. It's up to Mario, armed with his trusty Super Scope, to ride Yoshi to track down Bowser and put a [...]
When Joey and Gina arrive in the musically starved town that outlawed groovy tunes, a chance encounter with the music hating tyrannical ruler of the town (and local butcher) sends them flying. Now lost in the wilderness outside town, Joey and Gina have [...]
The sequel to 2003’s updated beat ’em up, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus sets the turtle quartet on another adventure from the series’ second season, this time allowing the entire team to work together via a 4-player [...]