Looney Tunes B-Ball is a 2-on-2 Basketball game, similar to the more well known NBA Jam. However, Looney Tunes is much more informal and silly, though this level of silliness is set by the player via the Wackiness Meter on the main menu. Players choose [...]
All-new 2-on-2 JAM mode featuring 50 dunks and awesome special effects! Custom 2-on-2 JAM mode courts, including street court. Authentic 5-on-5 simulation mode with actual team play styles like the Jazz Pick-and-Roll. Jaw-dropping ultra high-rez graphics! [...]
Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine is a shoot ’em up developed and published in 1987 by Hewson Consultants for the ZX Spectrum, and was then ported to the Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, NES, and Amiga. It was programmed by Raffaele Cecco. The [...]
The object of the game is to guide one or more mice (“ChuChus”) around a board into one or more goals while avoiding cats (“KapuKapus”) roaming the board. The mice and cats all move in predictable paths by always turning right when [...]
An entertaining brain training program, Brain Challenge boosts brain activity and helps players develop stress-management skills thanks to a wide variety of games. A personal coach helps players develop their abilities in several areas of cognitive [...]
Yanya Caballista: City Skater, known in Japan as Yanya Caballista featuring Gawoo, is an extreme sports skating game for the PlayStation 2. The game is similar to Jet Set Radio in feel and look, but is more of an arcade style game.
NBA JAM 99 has it all! Award-winning hi-rez graphics and 3D sports engine. Over 300 players with real-life faces and smooth skin textures. Authentic 5-on-5 team play styles like the Bulls triangle offense. Bonus 5-on-5 Jam mode with outrageous dunks. [...]