P.T.O.: Pacific Theater of Operations IV ## Description The fourth installment in Koei’s P.T.O. series brings strategic naval combat to the PS2. There are two levels of play: global strategy and resource management are handled with a turn-based [...]
War Front: Turning Point ## Description _War Front: Turning Point_ takes place in an alternate universe where Hitler is assassinated during WWII during a phase of Russian expansion. The replacement German leader unites Germany with the Allies in an effort [...]
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater ## Description The sequel to Microsoft’s first Combat Flight Simulator, the focus shifts to the Pacific theater, where carrier battles and island hopping dominate the strategy. Fly for the [...]
Codename: Panzers is an incredible real-time strategy thrill ride. Nerves of steel are required when you’re a tank driver. One direct hit and you’re done for, but you must throw yourself into the battle, because without your support, many will [...]
Blitzkrieg is a real-time tactics computer game based on the events of World War II and is the first title in the Blitzkrieg (video game series). The game allows players to assume the role of commanding officer during the battles of World War II that [...]
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 covers the events of 1943 in Tunisia, North Africa. Recovering from their losses after the crushing defeat and subsequent retreat after the Second Battle of El-Alamein, the German Afrika Korps – reinforced and now [...]