Spellbreaker is an interactive fiction computer game written by Dave Lebling and released by Infocom in 1985, the third and final game in the “Enchanter Trilogy”. Like most of Infocom’s games, it was released for many of the time’s [...]
Duncan Forsythe is the royal gardener of Entoque Castle. He spends his days battling nasty flower beds, hunting down poisonous weeds, and occasionally doing his Royal Majesty’s laundry. Meanwhile, the buzz around the castle is that Duncan once saved the [...]
You are Arthur Dent, an Englishman with a bad hangover wearing a dressing gown containing a much needed buffered analgesic and some fluff. Your house has just been destroyed, followed shortly thereafter by your planet Earth (mostly harmless). You’ve been [...]
In the third game of the adventure game series Zork, you are once again a nameless adventurer, only this time you won’t travel through a beautiful magical land, but are immediately cast into a deep dungeon. Like in a dream, you hear a mysterious [...]