This is the most recent installment of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ franchise recreated as a fun and easy fighting game with the fighting aspects taken and upgraded from River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Star Special~.
Battle to Save Arcadia! You are Vyse, a young pirate on a quest to save Arcadia. Wage battle against an evil Empire as you make a name for yourself on land and in the sky. Will you become a Legend? -New “Wanted” Battles, new characters, [...]
Two of gaming’s all-time classics are reborn on DS. Stories tell of a land of yore, now shrouded by centuries of time forgotten, called Ys. Despite its great knowledge, endless wealth, and bountiful prosperity, a sudden and unexpected cataclysm [...]
Buffy and the crew are back for another battle against evil. On this occasion (set as a ‘missing episode’ from the TV series’ fifth season), the powerful vampire Kakistos and The First are ready for war, and the only ones standing in [...]
“Hironobu Sakaguchi, the Father of the Final Fantasy series, and Artoon present the world of Blue Dragon on Xbox 360. Featuring the character design of Akira Toriyama, the Father of “Dragon Ball Z”, and music by Nobuo Uematsu, the [...]
Tokyo is in full lockdown, the government’s swift, coldblooded response to a surprise demon invasion. Trapped within the sprawling metropolis is the city’s helpless populace, forced to turn on each other in order to survive. A mysterious piece [...]