KOF 2002 UM is the 2nd title in the UM Series and a fully upgraded ver. of KOF 2002, a masterpiece of the KOF Series deserving its place of honor alongside KOF ’98. Based on THE NESTS CHRONICLES, 2002 UM includes the most characters of any title in the [...]
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend is a 2D fighting game and the enhanced version of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II. The game features an updated version of Calamity Trigger’s Story Mode called Blazblue Calamity Trigger Reconstruction; the inclusion of [...]
The Synthesis of breathtaking 3D animation with the heart and soul of a 2D classic is now complete! A city lay in ruins as rival gangs are at war all vying for the chance to rule the underworld of Southtown. A small group destined to take the city back [...]
Guilty Gear XX Slash (ギルティギア イグゼクス スラッシュ Giruti Gia Iguzekusu Surasshu?) is the second updated version of Guilty Gear X2. Once again, the game’s balance was reworked by changing properties of certain moves and including new moves for some of the [...]
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II is a 2D fighting game and the enhanced version of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. It features all the console exclusive characters, numerous balance changes, and other cosmetic changes such as a new announcer. Continuum Shift II [...]
The game brings back the team play composed by three characters each that was a tradition in previous games. The game has also several important changes in the gameplay, like the “Free Cancel System” or “Max Mode System”, the [...]
Λ Core Plus also features a new Story mode. The story is a continuation of the storyline from Guilty Gear XX. All characters have a storyline, and the stories cover the major events involving the mystery of Gears, “That Man” and conflict with [...]