Guilty Gear X Plus ## Description Guilty Gear X Plus is an enhanced edition of Guilty Gear X. This “Plus” edition adds Kliff and Justice from the original Guilty Gear as playable characters, as well as a Story Mode, which has since remained as [...]
BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, released in Japan as BlazBlue: Chronophantasma, is a 2D fighting game developed by Arc System Works. It is the third game of the Blazblue series, set after the events of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. Besides normal rebalancing [...]
The King of Fighters ’97 is a 1997 fighting game produced by SNK for the Neo Geo arcade and home console. It is the fourth game in The King of Fighters series. It was ported to the Neo-Geo CD, as well as the PlayStation and the Sega Saturn in Japan only.
In 22th century, the scientists, learning the ancient ways of magic, discovered a new technique that made it possible to create artificial beings by mixing the DNA of humans and animals. Those new creatures were called “gears”. They had no [...]
Dead or Alive: Dimensions is a fighting game developed for the Nintendo 3DS. It is the 5th game in the Dead or Alive series and the first to be released on a Nintendo system. Dimensions has 26 playable characters, more than any previous installment in the [...]