Battle Wings, known in Japan either as B-Wing (ビー・ウィング) or B-Wings (ビー・ウィングズ), is a vertically scrolling shooter first released as an arcade game by Data East in 1984. The game was ported by Data East to the Family Computer in 1986, and was Data [...]
The year is 2219 and the Secilia Federation has initiated a plan to destroy Earth. So far, the evil federation has been highly successful in destroying much of the planet's defensive forces and resources. With world destruction at hand, the fate of [...]
The “system” was created by an organic intelligence body many milleniums ago and began attacking the human race. The earth was thrown into turmoil with only one hope for salvation. Fighter model AFX-6502 ZANAC was perfected by the 256th Riot [...]
Players control a space marine who must search for droids on three planets – Geminus, Sirius, and Arius – while avoiding the planet’s inhabitants and hazards. Energy is lost when players come into contact with an inhabitant. Up to three [...]
The arcade classic is taken to the next level, this time in 3D. The super-enhanced hero Ugene is once again called into action to save the last human family against the hordes of relentless Robotrons. Battle through 100 different levels, gaining new [...]