Earth is suffering the aftermath of a devastating fifty-year conflict known as the Terminal War. Over half of the global population was obliterated in unprecedented mass genocides. Entire nations were left barren with natural resources depleted and [...]
Are you the new recruit? Well, grab your weapons and descent into battle on distant planets.
For the Cubicons it is not just a matter of cubes, it is about life and death.
Use a variety of advanced weaponry to battle these Alien invaders.
Resist [...]
Fobia O Jogo is a first-person psychological horror indie game developed by the Brazilian studio Pulsatrix Studios. It is being developed since 2018. Fobia O Jogo
Isle of spirits is a survival game in which your character has stranded on a mysterious uninhabited isle. Build your home, survive, and fight against microclimates or supernatural phenomenons. The isle will be your home and your enemy: it offers all [...]
Resident Evil 1.5 / Biohazard 1.5 (also known as BIOHAZARD 2 PROTOTYPE) is the development name given to the first iteration of Resident Evil 2, which was scrapped in 1997. As the game was approaching its March 1997 release date, the developers were [...]
Taur is an action-strategy sci-fi game. Control the Prime Cannon and unlock all of its powerful weapons and abilities. Build turrets, droids, aircraft and more as you fight to protect the Tauron droids’ homeworld against a relentless invasion. Will [...]
AI Syoujyo is an “Autonomic 3D Life Simulator” where you live with a group of girls on the ruined deserted island. How you spend your time on the island is up to you. You can flirt, or you can spend all your time getting naughty with them. The [...]