Battle Unit Zeoth takes place in the future where mankind is invaded by a race of alien robots known as the Grein. The Earth’s forces were triumphant in battle and the Grein forces fled the Solar System. However, as they retreated, the Grein left behind a [...]
After losing a confrontation against Super Commandos Mad Dog and Scorpion, the juices of destruction drip from the spiked tongue of the vile alien warmonger – Red Falcon. Now, he’s coming back stronger than ever, with a sinister plan that [...]
In the arcade version, one summer night in 1991, an enemy fleet known as the Strange Fleet approached a small island of the Mediterranean Sea. When it arrived, very few saw the Strange Fleet. Two years later, while the Stranger Fleet expanded itself, it [...]
Somewhere deep within the Andromeda Galaxy lies the Algol Star System. The parent star, Algol (referred to as "Algo" by this point in the timeline), has three planets orbiting about it. First is Palm ("Palma"), the home of the government. Governors, [...]
R-Type Delta is a horizontally scrolling shooter video game. Released only on the PlayStation, this is the fourth game in the R-Type series (hence Delta, the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet), and also the first game offering different fighters, with [...]
Fly a helicopter into hostile territory to rescue hostages and make some money on the side. The places the player can choose to fly into are Guatemara (Engrish for Guatemala), Cuba, and Panama. Missions are broken down into three different parts. The [...]
Something was terribly wrong in the distant man-made Spondylus Solar System. One by one the planet’s central life support computers had been infected with a life threatening virus while the planet surfaces had been overrun with computerized [...]
In the year 2090, Earth has suddenly become the target of deranged aliens known as the Cranassians. Following the invasion, the World Alliance Military builds a new cutting-edge weapon, the Raiden Supersonic Attack Fighter. Based on a captured alien [...]