“Set in a mysterious labyrinth of glowing black architecture, FRACTER follows a veiled young hero who has set out on a perilous quest to dispel the darkness within. Players must explore this realm of shadows, discover secrets hidden in the dark and [...]
Seymour's second adventure was based around a western he was shooting, and featured him attempting to track down a villain who was attempting to sabotage the movie. The game was divided into four sections, as Seymour visited various American locations in [...]
A diplomatic mission in a foreign city is seized by political fanatics. Innocent lives are in jeopardy. Outrageous demands are being made for their safety. Only you and your elite crisis intervention team can rescue the ambassador and his helpless staff. [...]
The Great Escape is a infinity runner where player guides a spaceship through a narrow tunnel filled with incoming obstacles. The more you advance harder the hazards become.