Celestial Mechanica tells the story of a race of mysterious beings who, one day, when humans had taken Earth to the edge of destruction, appeared out of nowhere to give the inhabitants a second chance.
One hundred years after this event, one of the [...]
The Game Boy release of the game uses a password-based saving system to save the player’s progress. The game consisted of seven floors where various items and parts of Bitsy (Franky’s girlfriend) were hidden. Keys and special items were needed [...]
NeonPlat goes multiplat! Players guide Platdude through randomly generated levels to the goal whilst collecting items, fighting enemies and bosses, and dodging deadly obstacles.
Similarities with the other Mr. Nutz game only go as far as the title and main character, although both are side-scrolling platform games. Mr. Nutz the squirrel is holidaying on Peanut Planet when he’s called into action to save the local people [...]
The Evil Wizard ZAKS is back! Like all Evil Wizards he had made certain arrangements against his premature demise… He has exacted a terrible revenge by transporting the YOLKFOLK to a stange Fairy-Tale World and casting evil spells on them to [...]