Operation Stealth, also known as James Bond 007: The Stealth Affair in the United States, is an adventure game from Delphine Software International, released in 1990. The game is mainly the work of Paul Cuisset (programming) and Jean Baudlot (sound). The [...]
A View to a Kill is a game based on the James Bond movie of the same name. It is an action game split into three sections, each one based on a scene in the movie.
Currently on indefinite hold by Introversion Software, Subversion was to be a heist game set in a procedurally generated modern high-tech environment with the player taking control of a number of skilled operatives in order to engage in acts of subterfuge.
One of the first Japanese RPG’s, and the first game based on the Mission: Impossible franchise. It was notable for replacing the fantasy setting of traditional RPG’s with a modern setting.
A point-and-click adventure game that takes place on a European train shortly before the outbreak of World War I. The game attempts to simulate real time with a non-linear story and dozens of fully voiced characters.