Play the next generation of the classic game, controlling the most destructive power of the seas with a finger touch. Easy to learn, hard to mastery Ships N’ Battles is a easy game to learn, but with all the bonus combinations and strategy, [...]
"From somewhere far away, Junpei could hear the sound of metal squeaking.
He felt his stomach tighten. There were a thousand things the sound could have been, but none of the things he could think of were good. In an attempt to distract himself, Junpei [...]
Lotus is a beautiful game that grows into a unique work of art every time you play. Clear your head and take in the quiet strength of the Lotus garden. It takes skillful care and nurturing to grow these flowers to their full potential, but once picked, [...]
The game is divided into four acts, each taking place on November 2 on four consecutive years. Manuel "Manny" Calavera is a travel agent at the Department of Death in the city of El Marrow, forced into his job to work off a debt "to the powers that be". [...]