This exciting new chapter in the Lufia saga follows the adventures of Eldin, Torma, and Rami, a group of friends and would-be hunters as they set out in search of treasure, only to discover that fate has much more in store for them! Will they be able to [...]
This cancelled sequel to the beloved game was shown at E3 2005 by Majesco. The game was to feature 15 different jellybeans and 15 worlds. It was rumoured to be finished, but was never published due to Majesco’s financial troubles. It was cancelled [...]
The three main protagonists are Kotetsu, Anne and Eagle, members of the “Ultimate Task Force”. A trio of evil villains known as the Happy Droppers unleashes a swarm of monsters to terrorize countries of the world, sending the three heroes on a [...]
Stretch Panic is an action/platform video game designed by Treasure Co. Ltd. It was a landmark title for the developer as it was their first game to feature movement on a 3D plane; prior to Stretch Panic they had exclusively been a developer of 2D titles. [...]
Alcahest is an action role-playing game with a top-down perspective that plays similar to The Legend of Zelda. It is divided into 8 stages that are progressed by finding items that aid the protagonist Alen on his quest, and end with a boss battle. After [...]