Joe Danger, the world’s most determined stuntman, returns to embark on a death-defying thrill-ride across the set of the greatest blockbuster movie ever made. Across 100 crazy levels he’ll chase crooks by police bike, destroy laser-firing robots with a [...]
Quite simply, the objective of Mogul Maniac is to get through the open and closed gates and down the mountain as quickly as possible without breaking anything on or around your body…
In Skiing, your goal is to ski to the bottom of the mountain in the shortest time possible. The mountain is treacherous with plenty of trees and moguls in the way! There are two different modes of gameplay. In slalom mode, there are a series of gates you [...]
A “personal impact simulator” where the goal is to send a ragdoll character tumbling down stairs, doing as much damage to various parts of his body as possible.
SKI AND SHOOT is an arcade, tactical 3D simulation of one of the most popular winter sports. Compete against other skiers on tracks that wind through wonderful wintery landscapes under the shadow of snow-capped mountains. Tuck to increase your speed in [...]
Deca Sports (Deca Sporta in Japan, Sports Island in Europe) is a sports video game for the Wii developed by Hudson Soft. It is similar to Wii Sports in that it is a collection of ten different sports simulations controlled with the Wii Remote. The game [...]