Set in an alternate universe, Monochroma tells the story of two little boys, brothers, who fly a kite. While the older brother watches over the younger, the younger brother injures himself. This means the older brother must carry the younger brother. The [...]
Badland is an award-winning atmospheric side-scrolling action adventure platformer set in a gorgeous forest full of various inhabitants, trees and flowers. Although the forest appears to be right out of a beautiful fairy tale, there’s something terribly [...]
Walk through the Gates of Shadows into the dangerous world full of memorable fights and brave heroes. These lands are waiting for a risky adventurer to appear and save them from the oppression of a sinister invader from another dimension! Discover a [...]
A 2D side-scrolling beat’em up about a samurai who has been driven insane by the horrors of war, and derives unnatural power from his hallucinatory visions. He journeys to save his son, as his mental state degrades.
Sector Six is under attack, the Machines, massive automatic spaceships are destroying everything! No weapon can stop the Machines, the only hope is the Elder Mechanism, an ancient device of the mighty Almadi civilization, who colonized Sector Six a long [...]
A heroic rooster sets forth on a ridiculous space adventure to DESTROY THE SUN! Unfortunately for him, a legion of lingerie-loving Vikings has turned it into their headquarters and they’re big fans of fried chicken. Full of high tech weaponry, constant [...]