In the distant future, in the darkest reaches of space, the ghosts of the past whisper your name. You are Jim Raynor, a marshal-turned-rebel on a vigilante crusade to bring down the Dominion and its nefarious leader, Arcturus Mengsk. Haunted by betrayal [...]
Cursed by his arch-rival, Baldren finds himself warped to Rainbow Moon. And to make things worse, Baldren isn't only stranded in an unknown place; he has also opened a dimensional gate out of which troops of monsters are crawling, turning this once [...]
CastleVille is a social network game made by Zynga’s Dallas studio and was released on November 2011. It combines a number of elements from the company’s other “Ville” range of games. On launch it had received a million [...]
Lords of Magic ## Description In the fantasy world known as Urak, supporters of eight different religions constantly fight each other. One of them is Balkoth, known as the Lord of Death, who worships the dark deity Golgoth. Balkoth has sworn to destroy [...]